An employee expense report template is a highly equipped professional document which is prepared for tracking all expenses incurred by an employee during the period of performing job activities. Usually, an employer is responsible to pay the amount which is consumed by the employee in accordance with the organization. There are many expenses utilized on a daily basis, such as charges for gas, meals, parking, lodging, and other petty cash purchases. People develop an employee expense report to create a list of expenditures which are spent by employees. A detailed report produced by the accounting manager consists of a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis. Basically, an employee expense report contains company name, logo, day’s name, brief summary about expenses with spending date and time, purpose of spending, amount details and signature of accounting manager. The expense report is a simple process which allows an employee to request cash in advance for the purpose of traveling and then report actual expenses spent during meetings with clients for the purpose of business. It is an accounting tool and offers comfort by conveniently calculating all expenses through an elegant style. Preparing an employee expense report sheet is the best way to track all financial activities incurred by an employee.