A course syllabus template is a document which describes the key points of the content that is to be taught under a certain course for which the syllabus is made. It can be used both, by the students and the teachers, making sure every student’s learning objectives are considered, mentioned and covered thoroughly. A course syllabus elucidates course outlines along with the responsibilities as well as expectations, connected with method of teaching. This can be prepared by governing body of an institute or a panel of teachers or any professional, whom organization or institute not only feels trustworthiness but also can monitor progress. Students can also take part in syllabus preparation process, where they can add or remove chapters or scope areas with the consent of governing body.
Why a Class Schedule is Necessary?
The role of a course syllabus is to provide understandable instructions concerning subject and scope of course along with principles and methods of instruction. Apart from teacher’s assistance, yet a course syllabus eliminates the ambiguities of students with respect to course’s objectives, goals, duration as well responsibilities. The vital goal of any syllabus is embedded with clear understanding of the students and teachers. Not all educational institutes follow same practices and principles while setting overall content of syllabus, perhaps most of the institutes accept normal standards along with teacher’s discretion while finalizing syllabus’s content. While a syllabus comprehend policies and assignments which students need to follow during course, it may depict a larger picture of course’s relevant fields as well as industries. You can also check our class schedule template.
Components of a course syllabus
A common course syllabus includes the following components;
1. Name of the institute
The name of the institute is usually placed at the top of the course syllabus template in bold fonts so that no other institute can use their course for their course learning.
2. Name of the course or the subject
The name of the course is equally important to be mentioned at the top next to the name of the institute as it distinguishes different syllabi for different courses. Since most students take multiple courses at one given time, it is important to mention the name of the course for the differentiation. You can also check our study record template.
3. Course code
A few institutes assign certain codes to certain courses to make it easier for them to be identified. There can be many courses of the same subject and different content with different codes being taught at one institute. Therefore, the code makes the course stand out, and it is convenient for the faculty to manage the administrative work related to the course. This can also facilitate management while making gradebook of each students.
4. Teacher’s name
The name of the teacher teaching a certain course is also part of the course syllabus. Every teacher specializes in a specific subject, and they teach certain courses. Their name written on the course syllabus makes it easier for the students to communicate with the teacher.
5. Class schedule
Class schedule for every course is different as their credit hours differ from each other as well. To make sure two classes for a student do not coincide with each other the class schedule is crucial and important to be mentioned on the course syllabus.
6. Course outline
The course outline briefly defines the keywords and the major topics that are part of the detailed content of the syllabus. This is like a checklist for whoever is using the course syllabus to ensure that all the topics mentioned in the course outline have been taught and discussed in the amount of detail mentioned on the course syllabus.
7. Credit hours
Credit hours are the number of hours for which a course is needed to be taught per week. Credit hour holds an important place to formulate the final score of a student.
8. Assignments, quizzes or other course requirements
Every course demands certain amount of assignments, projects and quizzes to be conducted by the teacher for the class. The score of these tasks is then added to the final score of each student. Every topic mentioned in the course syllabus has potential task that can be assigned that will further help increase the understanding of the course.
9. Student learning objectives
Student learning objectives are usually given in the course syllabus for the teacher to make sure that he/she has taught in enough detail all the subjects which are demanded from a certain topic. Meeting the objectives of the topic is as important as teaching the course.
10. Calendar for the course
Every course is assigned a certain amount of time that is generally required for it to be taught. The calendar makes it easy for students to cover the syllabus in time before exams. Similarly, it helps the teacher cover the course in time with surplus amount of time for tests, quizzes and assignments that are part of the course.
11. Books or other resources
Every topic has a book or a resource referred in front of it by the course compiler. It enables the students to read into the details of the course on their own. Even if the teacher misses out on a point, the student can read it from the reference material mentioned on the course syllabus.