An address list template is a key element which helps in finding different destinations within the shortest possible time. This list contains many addresses which can be related to customers, friends, relatives, colleagues, clients and other official persons. Postmen also take an address list along with them for easily finding relevant addresses. This list plays an important role in increasing mailing transactions and saving precious time from wastage. You can mention phone numbers in front of all addresses and can call if you cannot find a relevant address. Most shipping companies prepare address lists to provide contact details of the courier firm who is responsible to drop the courier at the customer’s destination. It is a highly difficult task to find a relevant address without any address list. An address list can also be prepared for personal purposes. Some patients wish to take addresses of different doctors which can be contactable at the time of emergency. An address list acts as a key element of providing an address within the shortest possible time. All distribution lists are also called address lists because they also contain the name and contact number of distributors. If you wish to develop an address list without any wastage of time, then use our well presented template which can be easily downloadable with a single click.